Wad up a full sheet of newsprint |

Place it under the cylinder head to prevent the valves from moving too
much. |

Set the head down on the newspaper wad, I hang the exhaust boss off the
edge of the table so the head lays flat. |

Place the socket and extension over the valve spring keeper plate...

...and strike with a hammer several quick blows. You must hold the
extension, I can't because I'm holding the camera. |

The two half moon valve keepers will pop out. Careful they don't go
flying off into oblivion. |

You can now disassemble to valve. Take care not to drop the valve when
you lift the head as it is now free. Parts are laying in order, top to
bottom. |

Both valves removed. Intake is on the left, exhaust on the right.
Exhaust valve is the smaller of the two. |

Profile of the intake and exhaust valves. |