Remove the old rear main seal bearing by inverting the plate on two
pieces of wood. Use a Tommy bar and hammer to tap the bearing through
the front of the plate. |

To install the new bearing (#208) place the plate face up on a piece of
wood. |

Remove the dust seals with a pick or similar too. I only remove the seal
facing the crank and leave the seal facing the flywheel on to act as
another barrier to leaks and contamination. |

Place the bearing square on the plate and using a 12, 6, 9 and 3 o'clock
pattern tap the bearing down on the outer race until seated. |

The bearing will be fully seated when the top of the bearing is below
the C-clip groove. |

Use the internal C-clip pliers to install the bearing keeper clip. |

Squeeze the pliers together... |

...and insert it into the groove in the plate and release. |

If needed, tap the clip into the groove. |

Now it's time to install the seal. Whether you use Butyl or VITON, the
seal is a standard one available aftermarket. Just ask for a 55X80X10. |

Set the seal on the plate square... |

...set a block of wood on top... |

...and give a few light taps around the seal. |

The seal should be mounted flush to the face of the plate. |